
Do you want to stay in Italy a bit longer? Enroll in one of our part-time courses valid toward renewing your residency permit.

You will develop fundamental communication skills, such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. And you know what? You will be able to renew your residency permit and still enjoy the Bel Paese for a long time. You will attend our part-time courses twice a week, even planning your lesson time-by-time, and on the days that you prefer.

The documents needed to renew the residency permit are: your current (expiring) residency permit, valid passport, certificate proving you have passed an exam related to the course which is ending (from Accademia or another Italian language school), as well as the enrollment certificate for the new course

After enrolling, you will have to complete the Kit for the residency permit available at the post office, and pay the fees and insurance, just like you did the first time.

Accademia di italiano - logo corsi

These part-time courses are designed for those who have little free time and wish to renew their residency permit in Italy.

Accademia di italiano - logo classi

Every class is composed of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 students, all of whom share the same language level.
Currently active levels: from Elementary (A2) to Advanced (C2).
This course is not recommended for Beginner level (A1) students.

Accademia di italiano - logo calendario

2 lessons a week, 90 minutes each lesson.
You will be able to choose each time whether to take communication or grammar-based lessons.

Accademia di italiano - logo orari

The lessons run from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 16:45, based on the times the lessons for your level are held.

Choose your course valid toward renewing your residency permit.

3 lessons of 90 minutes / week
6 months (24 weeks)
1.865 euro
8 months (32 weeks)
2.455 euro
9 months (36 weeks)
2.805 euro
12 months (48 weeks)
3.525 euro
2 lessons of 90 minutes / week
6 months (24 weeks)
1.245 euro
8 months (32 weeks)
1.640 euro
9 months (36 weeks)
1.870 euro
12 months (48 weeks)
2.350 euro

Do you need more information about this course?

Write us. We will be happy to answer all of your questions.

Thank you for contacting us. We will reply as soon as possible.