Visa online courses

Italian foundation online courses for Study Visa

Our school offers an online group course for people who are at the beginner level, with the goal of reaching the A2 level and then applying for a student visa.
The total number of hours is 40 academic hours (24 are online + 16 hours of self-study).
The first course will allow you to reach the A1 level.
With another course of 40 academic hours, you should reach the A2 level and then apply for a study visa.
The course programme also provides helpful guidance on writing the motivational letter to be included with the documentation for submission to the Consulate.

The price of the course is €500,00 (40 academic hours) per participant.
The next course to reach the A1 level will begin on March 4th and will be scheduled from Monday to Friday in the morning or afternoon (2 academic hours per day).

The course will last two weeks.

For further info contact:

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